Delivered for months 12, 24 and 36. Shows the progress of the project in a report PDF format. It includes the actions, deliverables, risk assessment and mitigation and financial reports.
It is linked to the Task 1.1 and 1.2.
D1.2 - IPR Management Strategy and Procedures
IPR and innovation activities will be continuously followed up throughout the project and based on the rules defined in the Consortium Agreement and in line with the FAIR principles. All new innovations in the project will be assessed in terms of IPR to see if special protections are needed. All the information related to the IPR will be compiled in a deliverable that will evolve during the lifetime of the project and represent faithfully the status of the project reflections on IPR management. The first version of this deliverable will be made available by (RE)SET at M12 (D1.2) and updates of this deliverable are planned in M24 and M36.
The DMP will be written by (RE)SET by M6 and continuously updated throughout the project, detailing precisely the procedure for data collection, consent procedure, storage, protection, retention and destruction of data, and confirmation that they comply with national and EU legislation. The DMP of the project will serve as a living document that will address all aspects of the data life cycle as described in part 1.2.7 Data Management Plan of the proposal.
Activities aiming at studying and prototyping the project database and knowledge repository will be led by UniBO. Qualitative information, quantitative data collected and parameters/metrics tallied during the project will be aligned and organized into a unique repository intended as SQL relational database.
All the partners will participate in this task by providing a structured list of the key variables they will manage throughout all the tasks. Once defined, the database architecture will represent the template for data collection each partner must agree and comply with.
The objective of this task is to perform a selection of reusable packaging options relevant to the food product types covered by R3PACK. The selection will be performed (M1-M7) in close cooperation with brand owners and retailers, following as well the specifications provided in T2.1, and it will be based on materials, shapes, lid or closing systems and products to be included in the following steps of the analysis and optimization process. The selection will cover alternative materials, such as glass (sodocalcique vs borosilicate), Metal (inox), Plastics (PBT, Tritan, PP, PET, CPET) and closing systems as they are key to reuse and will be focused mainly on products that are not already covered by reuse systems in Europe and represented in the consortium: Prepared salads, bagged salads; unprocessed fruits, and vegetables; cold cuts; butter; cheese; yoghurt; savoury biscuits; chips; soups; Juices; Milk. The analysis will be based on the work that has already been done by CITEO and CETIE. The selection of the packaging options for each product will not be definitive and further assessed via de-risking (T3.5) as it will be further validated by testing their end of life, food safety and washability to validate their use (T3.2).
Document describing the detailled steps to test the food safety for each type of reusable packaging, its use and associated products. Linked to the task 3.1 and 3.2.
Document describing the detailled steps to test the washing process for each type of reusable packaging, its use and associated products. Linked to the task 3.1 and 3.2.
Defining the optimal strategy to optimize the packaging reuse network environmentally and economically.
This task aims at studying and prototyping the overall configuration of the reusable packaging system as a closed-loop logistic network through a novel and tailored location-allocation model developed by UniBo to aid the design of the network topology and the package flows allocation.
The package materials, the package configurations and options designed normalized and tested at T3.3, further characterized by environmental impacts tallied at WP6 and consumers’ actions, expectations and requirements (from WP2), will be compared and selected through the model along with the optimal distribution and collection strategy using a commercial Linear or Mixed-Integer Programming Solver. The resulting solution in terms of optimal packaging options and related reuse strategies and logistic networks (D3.3) will feed WP5 for real-world validation and WP6 (T6.2), supporting the most relevant scenario building.
Decision-matrix based on materials, barrier
combination and application performance evaluation that are performed from tasks 4.1 to 4.4.
This document reports on the shelf-life assessment of a selection of packaged food products within the substitution Work Package (WP4) in the project R3PACK. The selected foods represent different product categories with specific requirements for packaging: dry and fatty snack foods, dairy products and ready-to-eat fruits and vegetables.
Part A. LCA packaging solutions applicable to substitution
Different LCA studies on existing products are necessary to define if substituting paper-based solutions to conventional plastics (developed within WP4) will perform better under an environmental, social and economic profile. In cooperation with project partners and in close connection with T2.1 for each food type the dominant packaging on the market will be selected, in order to set, with specific LCA studies, the target for substitution improvements. Relevant Social LCA and LCC analysis will be performed.
Part B. LCA of suitable packaging solutions for Reuse
LCA studies will be carried out on those packaging reusable solutions selected in T3.1 and validated by T3.2, therefore technically suited for the REUSE scenarios, based on D5.1. Relevant Social LCA and LCC analysis will be performed.
Including DOMP is produced in T7.1: This task will ensure the development of a Dissemination and Communication strategy and materials, including:
- A detailed actionable plan for dissemination & exploitation with communication activities and KPI monitoring, delivered at M6 (D7.1).
- Project visual identity and dedicated website (RE)SET, M3.
- Social networks for online project activities and results (Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube).
- Tracking all project publications and public disclosures.
- Informing partners of related events and conferences, with participation in key events (National events by (RE)SET in France, Carrefour in Belgium and Spain; an EU-wide event by SAFE in Brussels; virtual roundtables; targeted citizen awareness campaigns).
- Templates for external communications to ensure no patentable information is disclosed.
All partners will seek opportunities to disseminate project results through their communication channels and participate in the dissemination task force. SAFE will design R3PACK tailored guidelines for consumers, policymakers, and food-business operators to communicate core project outcomes accessibly. (RE)SET will design staff training guidelines for industrials.
R3PACK Business Plan in task 7.3: The final project business plan will demonstrate profitability for private partners and stakeholders, encouraging further investment and adoption of the project results as widely marketed solutions.
Key points:
- A first draft of the business plan will be available by M12 (D7.2), with updates at M18, M24, and M36.
- These deliverables will be public to showcase the project's potential to the research community and private stakeholders.
- (RE)SET will develop an exploitation strategy based on T5.5 to:
- Strengthen connections with other European and local projects and key industrial partners.
- Define and review the project's business model and submodels.
- Conduct market analysis and assess the impact of results.
- Manage knowledge, outputs, and IPR protection as per the Consortium Agreement.
- Integrate a replication roadmap to scale and replicate results, with Carrefour, Systeme U, and their white brand producers involved for other sectors (consumer goods, textiles, etc.).